Wednesday, May 03, 2006


Thanks to rum and other widly mixed beverages it made tonight at least somewhat interesting. I went to an electronic music night at a local bar on the account of someone I met at a DJ shop this week. I figured it was in the neighborhood and only $3 cover charge---why should I not go?

Alrighty, so I turn up there alone because my other friends are busy for the night and I'm like, "hm, OK, there has to be something good about this." They have a DJ stand, some erotic anime going on in the background, and a couple of Mac computers out front. I'm thinking, "OK, well there should be something worth listening to." Wrong.

Everyone there was not really in the talking mood except to their own friends and the music wasn't even danceable. It was what I would term highly experimental electronic soundscape music. Meaning: lots of booms, bleeps, and blurps to some sort of rhythm but no real solid beats. I finished my first drink at the bar and I was thinking, they have to switch to the second artist soon (the event started around 9:15p and there were two artists featured). I ended up getting a second drink and walked over to an availing couch. It was soooooooo boring. The beats were repetitive, uningenuous, and just downright monotonous. The good thing is that I have a new high score on Bejeweled---I ended up just playing games while trying to figure out if there was some sort of a beat. Oh well...

About 2 hours later I stumbled back home (thanks to drinks made of 95% rum) and I snacked on some Triscuits before crashing out to bed...


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